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Ambulance Services


our ambulance services are an integral part of our commitment to providing prompt and effective healthcare to our community. We understand that emergencies can happen at any time, and having timely access to medical assistance can make a significant difference in saving lives. That’s why we have invested in a dedicated fleet of ambulances and trained personnel to ensure swift and efficient transportation for patients in need.

Our ambulance services are available 24/7, ready to respond to medical emergencies, accidents, and critical care situations. Our fleet is equipped with advanced life-support systems, emergency medications, and medical equipment to stabilize patients during transit. Our ambulance staff consists of certified paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) who are trained to provide immediate medical care and support en route to the hospital.

We prioritize safety and urgency in every ambulance dispatch. Our staff follows strict protocols and procedures to assess and triage patients based on their medical condition, providing the appropriate level of care during transportation. Whether it’s a cardiac emergency, trauma case, or any other critical condition, our ambulance team is prepared to handle diverse medical scenarios with professionalism and expertise.

In addition to emergency response services, our ambulances also facilitate inter-hospital transfers for patients requiring specialized care or advanced treatments. We ensure seamless coordination between medical facilities to ensure continuity of care and optimal outcomes for our patients.

At Jeevan Hospital, we believe that quick and efficient ambulance services are crucial in saving lives and reducing morbidity. Our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of healthcare delivery, including emergency medical services, making us a trusted healthcare partner in times of need.